
Good Person.

Title: Good Person.
Part: 1/[3?]
Pairing: KyuMin (KyuhyunxSungmin)
Disclaimer: LaLaLaLaLa I Own them all~ (not...)
Summary: Kyuhyun is always the one who's there for Sungmin to comfort his best friend when he was hurt again by the boy he likes. Yet he still helps him to win the boys heart. Even though he's the one who's in love with Sungmin.

I was walking toward the school while I suddenly heard my name.

"KYUNNIE~!" A whining guy ran to me.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? " I patted his head. The guy hugged me and the whole school was staring at us, but I didn't care less, so I put my arms around his waist. He burried his face on my shoulder and murmered some things (which I couldn't hear). I pulled him a bit away from me and put my hands on his cheek, so that I could make him look into my eyes. I whiped his tears away with my thumbs. "Who hurt my precious Minnie? Did that guy hurt your heart again?" I smiled at him to make him feel better, even though I'm burning inside to beat up the idiot who hurt my Minnie.

"Kyunnie~ He told me my cuteness was irritating~" He sobbed while looking into my eyes. What?! How can this kid's cuteness be irritating?!

"You shouldn't listen to him. I'm sure he didn't mean it. Or that guy must be blind or insane..." I told him with a forced smile, but I was right, that guy must be insane.

"You think? But... maybe my cuteness is really... Irritating." he pouted and looked to the ground. He stopped hugging me and stood before me. I hit him on the head.

"Idiot! Or course not. Your cuteness his the best thing in the world." After saying that I blushed of my own words. I looked at the, also blushing, Sungmin.

"Really?! Kyu, you're the best!" He hugged me tightly and let go again. "Let's skip the first lesson, okay? I don't feel like going~" I just nodded.

I wasn't someone who would ever skip school, since I'm always a good student and I have to get good grades, but I'm also someone who does whatever is needed to make my best friend and crush happy. So I decided to spent more time with Sungmin before going to classes.

Sungmin looked contented and jumped up and down. "Yay! Let's go~." he exclaimed and grabbed my hand. "Let's go to the park~"

"Wherever you wanna go, Minnie." I said softly and we walked hand in hand toward the entrance.

After some minutes we reached the park and only now, Sungmin let go of my hand and ran to the swings.

He waved at me and gestured for me to come. "Kyu~ Hurry up~" I walked to the boy and sat on the swing next to him. He kept on talking about his bunnies, teachers and more random stuff. Unfortunaly also about the guy he liked, Eunhyuk. He started liking Eunhyuk a few weeks ago. I still remember him enter my room and shouting that he likes someone. He kept on stalking the boy for a week and after that he finally managed to talk to him. They became closer and closer. I didn't like that guy since Sungmin spent much time with him, I was afraid that he'd replace me. But I realized that that would never happen. The bond of me and Sungmin couldn't be replaced by a guy he just knew for a month. But the thing I also realized that same moment, was that he may not replace me, but get his own place in Sungmin's heart. His own special place. Probably more special than mine...

"Kyuuuuhyuuun~" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"What's wrong? Are you sick? I asked you what I should do?" I looked confused to him.

"I mean about Eunhyuk! Haven't you listened to me at all?" Eunhyuk...

"Ah sorry, I was thinking about something..."

"Ah... You're the worst Kyu..." He said sadly. I was surprised by his words "Wha-"

"Don't you also think Hyukkie'snice? and cute? And also handome~ You should meet him, Kyuhyun! I'll introduce you to him next time, okay?" He said excited. In a second he became his cheerful self again, so I decided to drop the question about what he meant. But if I do that, I'll have t hear his story about Eunhyuk once again... I really don't like that. But it's better than making Min sad. Since one of the things that I'm better at than Eunhyuk is that the moments he makes him cry, I'm the one who comfort him and make him happy again. If only he couldn't make you so happy the other moments... I'm always the one who's behind you,

"but it seems I still have to share you..." I smiled to myself while muttering the last words out loud. I suddenly couldn't hear Sungmin, it was a total silenc. I looked beside me and found a blushing Sungmin.

"Kyu~ Thank you, you're a good person~" I looked at him, still not getting it. "Huh?"

"K-Kyu, let's go to school,okay? I don't want you to miss many classes~" He grapped my hand once again and we walked together to school.

-*-*-Only msn part Normal POV. -*-*-

-That night-

PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny say:

Idiot... I hate you...


PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:

Kyu? *sobs*


PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:

Kyu... Do you hate me? You know I don't hate you right? I love you, I swear! Don't be like this. *sobs* *pouts*


PinkBunny says:

I was kidding about finding a new best friend, I mean it. You're the bestest of the best! I would never want anyone but you~

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Not even Eunhyuk?

PinkBunny says:

KYUUU~!! You're not mad anymore~ <.33>

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I don't believe you...

PinkBunny says:

Don't be mad at me again, pwease. *pout*

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Huh? Mad? Since when was I mad?

PinkBunny says:

You kept on ignoring me~!! You're so mean!

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Can't you read?! I was gaming, you kept on disturbing my game! If there is something else, tell me now. I want to play again...

PinkBunny says:

Sorry Kyu... I didn't meant to. About Eunhyuk~

GameKyu [gaming]:


PinkBunny says:

I came up with a plan! I should make him jealous! But... I need you help... Kyu~ Pweasee help me out.

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I guess I have no other choice. What do I need to do?

PinkBunny says:

I'll tell you tommorow~ Go play your game, and don't go to bed to late!

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I know already. See ya <.3

PinkBunny says:

See you tommorow~ Sleep well!! <.33

-end chapter one-

A/N: Again I'm soooooo sorry for not continuing my other fics. But I just can't get any inspiration to write it... I'm also sorry for the long Msn thing. I was bored and I wrote this, so that people can enjoy this while waiting for the other series~ && I won't stop writing anymore~ I'm so stupid for even thinking about it!! *hits own head* && I'm already 5 days sick, so I have enough time to write, if i'm in the mood for it.
I don't think I'll write much fluff the upcoming, since I'm reaaally upset.. Stupid friends, thanks too them I can't wrtie happy things ='( I just found out I don't have any friends left... I guess they didn't care much about me, 'cuz they replaced me in just one week for a new girl... So... Now I only have one friend left~ Yaayy~~[not] But let's look to the positive side, now I need many KyuMin fics, to coe over it~~ But I still got the problem with the guy I like, might eve love... So that means, a whole month Super Junior && Kdrama's to recover~~ [I'm a loner, suits me really well now... I should listen to it more often.] Waah what a long a/n :O I should stop now and watch Playful kiss <33>


A short "about me" + my blog:

My photo
I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^