
Past week...

Helloowww Everyone~ <.3 Nobody, I know... *only Haen. Helloo Haen~*

Yaaaaay~~ There is someone that reads my blog~ I'm so happy right now~ && it's also an awesome writer~ Congrats for being the first && the last person that'll visit my blog~! I'm so happy right now~ I never thought that this day would come ^^ I'm really proud of myself~ xD

Then here is another boring story about... My life currently~
Even thought i'm not supposed to be on the computer, and even thought I have to learn right now (stupid exam week), I'm still here, writing a story, for nothing... I'm really bored and biology is getting to much for me. I also have to learn for dutch since I'm really bad at it. *I know i'm dutch still...* && it's also a reading abilities test, so the thoughts of that test is even getting worse... I can't even remember when the last time was, that I got an good mark for it... Because I'm so stupid and such a fool~

The past tests didn't go that good to be true... Monday I had a test of Nature & Chemistry... I thought that is went really well but... No-no-no-no-nobody knows~ *sorry~ sorry~ sorry~ I have no idea why that came in my head* Wowwwww~ That reminds me of C.N. to the Blue~ To the sky hight get 'em hight~ Yeah we're ready to go~ I really like Lee Jonghyun from CNBLUE *also the one from ShInee~ He's so funny xD* I love his new look~ Most of the people I know, think that yonghwa is the cutest &handsomenest *sorry always make weird words... I got my own language here xD Just one person understands it xD* *Oh I'm talking to myself again && again && again && again~* Back to this part of the story...But I think that Jonghyun is the cutest~ && I love his voice in "Love light" && the translation is soo cute~ I think that Yonghwa wrote is for... for... for... Who cares... She is his wife in We got married... && NO SHE ISN'T CAPABLE FOR KYUHYUN FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT~~~~ THEY DON'T SUIT EACH OTHER AT ALLL~~~!!!!!! *I'm sorry but I read on youtube that people really think they suit each other..* Kyuhyun already belongs to Sungmin~~ :PP So keep on dreaming you guys...
KYUMIN WORE THE SAME NECKLACE IN THE LAST BONAMANA PERFORMANCE~ (when Kyu made his comeback) Ghegheghe && Sungmin felt much much better && was way happier than before Kyu came back~ Doesn't that mean soemthing~??
I'm so happy and hyper right now~ I'm now at school and just found out that I have some good grades for the tests I made~ I have 65 for MATHS~!! Can you believe it?? I didn't understand it at all but I still managed to get such a high grade~!! *for me that's a high grade* I have to make another test in a hour and a half. I have to learn for it but, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e~ I also have an high score for Spanish && English~
I really like the song "I don't care" by 2NE1 recently xD I always use it when people bother me~ Like my sis. She's such a dramaqueen. She kept on nagging me a whole hour and I kept singing, while I was on the computer, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e~ It was really funny since she got pissed and went to her room and I could watch my Super Junior again~
Ohhh I have a really good 'excuse' when you just cleaned a little bit of your room xD I had to clean up my room since a couple of weeks ago *I never do it...* After weeks, I finally began to clean my room ^^ Not really... I mean I started to clean my desk... After that, I was sick of it and stopped cleaning up and went to watch videos on youtube, read, went downstairs. When I was in my room and my mom came in, she was really angry to see my room, still not cleaned up. I went to her and pointed at my desk and said "Always look the the bright/positive side" And she began to laugh and let me off with it. So now I still haven't clean the other parts of my room ^^
It's reaaaa~lly boring here~ I'm not allowed to watch videos here... Hahahah there a two boys in front of me, and they're acting like little kids xD They're really doing stupid.... And they're like 15/16 years old xD They're trowing with paper to each other... ahhahahaha it reminds me of my class. It's really a zoo in some classes. They always bully the teacher and do whatever they want. How pathetic. They're really to much!! If you're send out the class you have to get a paper or something and fill it in and let you parents sign it. My class has the most of all the 2nd years... We are over the 100 now... That's really bad... You can have 3 papers a year. 1/3 doesn't have any... So 20 people got some xDD That is really bad. 100:20 is.... is... 5?? I guess xDD Woowwwww~ Our class is really Unbeliebabel. Sorry to bore you *nobody... Maybe Haen sometimes?* Haen~ I've got nobody, nobody but you~ *clap clap* I've got nobody nobody but you~ How can itbe another?I don't have any other, I've got nobody, nobody, nobody, nobosy~
Aisshh~ I really got nothing to say... How boring... Ohh I'm going to upload the first chapter of my story soon~ (this week) I'm tired~ I couldn't sleep at all last night~ I slept like, 2 or 3 hours~ I want to read 'Destinados' but I don't have much time anymore till the test~! ohh... I still got an hour... I guess I can read it then~ DESTINADOS IS SUPER SUPER CUTEWW~!! STUPID KYUMI~~!! At least KyuMin is together again... And everything went good in hospital~ Is till don't get the fight between Sungmin and his parents... I got to ask Haen about it ^^ I shouldn't forget it... Because usely Everything will be blank to me~
I think I'm really going to go now... Then I can learn more... Read Destinados =DDD && Go find the right classroom... Tht's going to be hard... Since I'm the only one of my class that has to take the test today.. Poor me...
Don't say goodbye~ Cuz you were my everything~ to me~ Wooow haven't heard that song a while xDD I guess you want me to say goodbye.. It's understandible (does that exist?) I'm going to find out where i have the test... Ohh I have to search a teacher also~ Btw I'm going to Spain for 5 weeks this vacation~ Without my sisters && mom && brothers~~ I'm so happy about it XD 5 WEEKS WITHOUT A DRAMAQUEEN AND AN IRRITATING LIL SIS~!!!! But now...Ohtell me goodbye, tell me goodbye, seem to be letting go~ Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye~
Yeaaahh~ Bye bye my love~ Lalalalalala... Lalalalalala~ (I have no idea what the lyrics is at thos parts)


Finding lost time~; Chapter 0: intro

Chapter zero: A dream of a forgotten past.






‘O... Okaa-chan…’


Mizuki POV

‘’KAAA-CHAAAAN!’’ I screamed without realizing it.

- … -

Yu-… mee… It was just another dream… Why are tears overflowing on my face…

This is really freaking me out. I wiped my tears and thought about the dream. I already had this dream so many times… Somehow it keeps repeating every night and yet I still couldn’t see anyone’s face nor their bodies… Ah I forgot to turn my radio off.

I walked to the radio but stopped when I heard the lyrics of the song that was playing right now.

‘You wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t remember who I am. Long time spend together and happiness, Everything will be blank to you.’

And after that my head went blank for a few minutes. When I was back to normal, I realized I was crying just like when I woke up. Then I saw a woman standing before me. At first I didn’t know who it was but then I realized it was my mom and turned my head away so she wouldn’t see my crying face.

‘’What happened? You were calling me.‘’ she asked me.

Why did I call her? But I didn’t? Right?

‘’I wasn’t calling for you… Who said that I have to call you if I say okaa-san.’’ I said pissed.

‘’You were screaming you idiot. And you woke your sisters up, what is it?’’ She said ‘’And why are you crying?’’ she asked worried and rushed to me in an instant.

‘’ I’m not…’’

‘’ You are! ’’

‘’I-It’s nothing!… I-I just… hurt myself when I wanted to go to the bathroom a-and called out your n-name by accident!’’ I stuttered half screaming. Did she believed it?

‘’Aah’’ she whispered, ‘’Are you okay?’’ she said a little louder with a sad face while she was wiping away my tears.

I know she didn’t believe it. I really hurt her. Why did I so pissed to her?

‘’Yes I’m fine. It only hurt for a few minutes. So you don’t have to worry and I’m sorry I woke my sisters up. Next time I’ll watch out what I do so that I won’t have to wake them up.’’ I said with a soft voice and smiled a small smile to her.

Then she smiled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked to the door opening. ‘’You better go back to sleep again. You have school tomorrow. Sleep well.’’ She said with a smile and walked away.

‘’Sleep well.’’ I whispered but loud enough for her to hear me. She turned to my side, smiled and went back to her room.

I walked toward my radio to put another song on and walked to my bed.

‘’Troughout all this time, remembering the moments I saw of you. The memories in those times past, all those memories without names. And in all those times I spent together with you. I was always alone…’’

“all those memories without names…”

While , I looked straight forward to the plafond, while listening to the lyrics.


I suddenly shocked and sat down. I looked at the radio.


No it can’t, my real mother hates me. She even gave me away because she didn’t want me. She would never cry like that for me… She didn’t even cry when I had that accident. And those guys… Who are they?

‘’love.. and memories now are memories with no mention of us…’’


The end of the intro of my story, Finding lost time. Hope you liked it~ *nobody again*


Super Junior wins award && My "KyuMin = real" prove~

Helllooooo everyone~

I just watched yesterdays performance of Suju's Bonamana && The part where they won again ^^ Unfortunally Kyuhyun was at the hospital for a surgery ='( And cuz' of that, Sungmin was unhappy the whole time~~~~ (I'm not happy about the fact that he was sad but that he was sad about Kyunnie~) Singing didn't go well either& during dancing he also didn't look well , esp. when he had to sing Kyunnie's part~ I already thought that it was because Kyunnie wasn't there and later I read that it really was because of Kyuhyun <>
Love how the other members kept calling his name~~ They really care about Kyunnie, just like Minnie~ Love the way how Super Junior care about each other~~ I wish I had such a good bond with friends~~ KyuHyun Figthinggg~~ Super Junior Hwaiting~~ KyuMinnn~~~ Fitghinggg~~

I was so happy when I saw todays performance since Miniee was feeling much much better *looked better* , so I hope that that means that Kyunnie is also doing well ^^
I heard that Kyunnie will perform again after some days of rest~~ Don't work to soon~~ You should think about your health~

A short "about me" + my blog:

My photo
I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^