
Finding lost time: Chapter 1 (or not)

Hellowww~ Everyone~! <.33

I'm finally going to upload the first chapter, since i'm at school && I'm all along since nobody has school today... Of course I'm the only idiot (not really) who is at school right now. To be true I'm not the only one, the new kids are having a introduction day for next year, and unfortunaly, my little sister is one of them... So I had to wait *still waiting, but I'm gonna be okay. I'll be okay~ Baby without you (without you), Baby without you~ (without you)* for her to finish, since she has to help me with my books. I have to bring them all home, but there are to many of them.. Since I'm the only idiot who didn't do it a week ago... Ohh now that I think about it I don't have school anymore~ yaay~~I only have one more day to go~ I think wednesday? or something like that. YAAAAY~~!!
Oh I forgot that I was going to upload the first chapter right now... I keep on forgetting everything again and again and again and again~ *hahahahah I'm singing that song againxD* I don't listen to that song that often, but everytime that I say or see the word "again", I automaticly (?) think of that song xD I really can't help it, so sorry for my readers *cough*reader*cough*

Last week was so funny at school; We went to the amusement park, we had only 2 or 3 hours a day school~, and we didn't have to do anything else. there was also a school party, but I didn't go. Everyone else did go, but I wasn't in the mood for it. So now I didn't have said goodbye to my friends =( But that doesn't matter since I had fin with my little brother at home xD

Does anyone know the song "Stumble, Stumble"? It's so cutee~~!! I can't get it out of my head~ <.33 So I love it~ <.3 *imitates Hyukkie* After that song I really started to like D-NA. Especially Mika && Karam. && they're also a cute couple~

I love the part: -bomb, bomb, bomb- My heart burned like a bomb. -bang, bang, bang- The breakup's gun shot me bang.

&& Did you saw the first perfomance of "No other"? IT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME~!!! MINNIE && TEUKIE WERE SO HAPPY && KEPT ON LAUGHING~~!! That really made my day~ <.333 It was so cuteww~ && I totally love the dance~ I'mm happy that Kyunnie is alright now && that they're happy again. They didn't look well in the last "Bonamana" performance =(( But they''e okay, okay now ^^ I'mm loving it so much~ <.33

OHH NOOO~~!! I forgot to upload the first chapter!! I'll do it now, but I have to be fast since my sister is almost ready~! I'll put it in another post, so that it will be easier to read.

Byebyeee~ Saranghaeeeee~~ <.333 Super Junior Fitghtingg~ Even though they won't be complete for the coming 10 years!!!! Oh I forgot to talk about that!! Next time I will!!! I promise!!!

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A short "about me" + my blog:

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I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^