
First Post~

Helloo~ Everyone~ (nobody, I know >.> Just wanna write since I'm bored... )

Welcome to my amazing, yet boring blog. Not only the blog is (still) boring but the writer is also ^^ I just found out that I don't just talk to myself in real life but also on the internet. (^see the prove her above^) (Eyy that rhymes) I'm alone at home usually so I will be writing alot here, starting with... Being sick...

I'm sick again, so I couldn't go to school, so I was bored at home. Until I found an amazing Parody of Super Junior and laughed so much that I felt much better ^^ They're so cutewww by the way. But back to the storyy~ After watching some parodies, laughing as much as I could and falling more and more in love with EunHae

And there I was sitting... On the couch (?)..., Just like how I was before... Before she took my happiness away... And the best medicine in the world..., Being sick... And watching a boring program that has been repeated many, many, many times already in one week... or one months... Who cares, my conclusion is... It's been repeated many times! To many, to count!

You know, dutch people are really stupid~ Why can't they just think about a new program? Or at least air the awesome programs from Asia~! Then people will at least watch TV more. And I wouldn't mind being sick, and not being allowed to computer.

I don't get the soaps here neither. Why can't they just make different soaps, and not a everlasting ones where everyone already dated all the characters, where most of the people already died but suddenly are alive, or where a 40 old women dates her own sons brother! How stupid is that. JUST MAKE DIFFERENT SERIES SO THAT IT WON't BE A SOAP WITHOUT A STORYY!! Awhile ago it was all over the news that a soap aired there 4000TH EPISODE! What kind of bullshit is that!

Now I'll talk about my favorite place... My happiness... My computer life~!
To everyone who hasn't seen parodies yet, it's tooo AWESOME!~
I just watched a super cuteww one ^^ It made me all happy inside~

KyuMin Foreverrr~!

So now I will say goodbye~ ~ And Always keeep the faith to Super Junior && Dbsk~!

I will write about more interesting things than tv soaps next time, so pleaseee don't stop reading my blog just because of that thing~~~~~!!! I beg You!~~

And I'm talking to myself again *singing*~and again and again and again I fall for your words again~ I don't know why~ I don't know whyy~ *still singing about myself* Why am I being such a fool~ *also toward myself...* Why did I become like this~ *my mom also keeps asking that question Again && again & again & again* I think I've gone crazy~ Have I no pri~de~?? *totally forgot...*

Aishh... I've done it again~ To be true, I'm like this in real live to... If i hear a word from a song I'm suddenly completely in the song and I begin to sing... I should really stop with that... I mostly sing Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry~ I so love that song XD I even won a competition with it at school ^^ Not a talent show, not at all xDD then I wouldn't even have a change to sing a full sentence xD It was a volleyball? Oh no, a basketball competition? Not important, it was a competition~ I sang(&danced how SM did in the MV) toward the opponent If you're going to be jealous of me, then you're going to losee~ && Sorry, sorry sorry, sorry etc~., they got distracted Again & Again & agai- *okay that song is getting annoying...*

So my 2nd conclusion is that my team won at least 2 games (out of many, many,many more, that we *cough*of course *cough* lost) because of the awesome song "Sorry, sorry", we didn't place last but 9th (out of 11, i think) and
I was happy since I could dance, sing, win something &&& didn't need to go to the lesson, since it was a school tournament thing ^^

Ohh, I just realized that I already said Goodbye a long long time ago... So I posted another boring memory... But next time I'll post my self-made-story for sure so keep reading my blogs.


1 comment:

  1. hahah i laugh a lot reading this :P
    i will follow u! so u will not talking to nobody ;D


A short "about me" + my blog:

My photo
I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^