
My own made story: Finding lost time~

Helloo~ I'm gonna upload a story that I made a while ago ^^ I hope everyone (nobody...) will like it, if not... Then don't~! Here is a short thing thing (don't know how you call it) Ohh! I mmean a summary (I think) :O I'll upload the intro after this too. The intro is really short but the chapters are gonna be long, so don't worry ^^ && don't expect to much of it~~~!! (not that there is anyone who's gonna read it....)

Here it comesss~

A story about the 15 years old, Mizuki, who is a middle school girl in a special talent school, Seirin, Middle and high school. She was abandoned by her mother and is a orphan at the Miyake family. Were she lives a wonderful life. Together with one of most popular boy and the prettiest girl at school, Aya and Kai, as her best friends, she lives a peaceful life, till a sudden dream that changed her whole life.

I told you not to expect that much ^^ So that was my summary . The intro will be much better, i hope, so please continue to read it... please..., My story will be include kpop songs and also parts of programs of singers ^^ Most of it are; DBSK, Super Junior, SS501 && FT Island~

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A short "about me" + my blog:

My photo
I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^