
Good Person.

Title: Good Person.
Part: 1/[3?]
Pairing: KyuMin (KyuhyunxSungmin)
Disclaimer: LaLaLaLaLa I Own them all~ (not...)
Summary: Kyuhyun is always the one who's there for Sungmin to comfort his best friend when he was hurt again by the boy he likes. Yet he still helps him to win the boys heart. Even though he's the one who's in love with Sungmin.

I was walking toward the school while I suddenly heard my name.

"KYUNNIE~!" A whining guy ran to me.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? " I patted his head. The guy hugged me and the whole school was staring at us, but I didn't care less, so I put my arms around his waist. He burried his face on my shoulder and murmered some things (which I couldn't hear). I pulled him a bit away from me and put my hands on his cheek, so that I could make him look into my eyes. I whiped his tears away with my thumbs. "Who hurt my precious Minnie? Did that guy hurt your heart again?" I smiled at him to make him feel better, even though I'm burning inside to beat up the idiot who hurt my Minnie.

"Kyunnie~ He told me my cuteness was irritating~" He sobbed while looking into my eyes. What?! How can this kid's cuteness be irritating?!

"You shouldn't listen to him. I'm sure he didn't mean it. Or that guy must be blind or insane..." I told him with a forced smile, but I was right, that guy must be insane.

"You think? But... maybe my cuteness is really... Irritating." he pouted and looked to the ground. He stopped hugging me and stood before me. I hit him on the head.

"Idiot! Or course not. Your cuteness his the best thing in the world." After saying that I blushed of my own words. I looked at the, also blushing, Sungmin.

"Really?! Kyu, you're the best!" He hugged me tightly and let go again. "Let's skip the first lesson, okay? I don't feel like going~" I just nodded.

I wasn't someone who would ever skip school, since I'm always a good student and I have to get good grades, but I'm also someone who does whatever is needed to make my best friend and crush happy. So I decided to spent more time with Sungmin before going to classes.

Sungmin looked contented and jumped up and down. "Yay! Let's go~." he exclaimed and grabbed my hand. "Let's go to the park~"

"Wherever you wanna go, Minnie." I said softly and we walked hand in hand toward the entrance.

After some minutes we reached the park and only now, Sungmin let go of my hand and ran to the swings.

He waved at me and gestured for me to come. "Kyu~ Hurry up~" I walked to the boy and sat on the swing next to him. He kept on talking about his bunnies, teachers and more random stuff. Unfortunaly also about the guy he liked, Eunhyuk. He started liking Eunhyuk a few weeks ago. I still remember him enter my room and shouting that he likes someone. He kept on stalking the boy for a week and after that he finally managed to talk to him. They became closer and closer. I didn't like that guy since Sungmin spent much time with him, I was afraid that he'd replace me. But I realized that that would never happen. The bond of me and Sungmin couldn't be replaced by a guy he just knew for a month. But the thing I also realized that same moment, was that he may not replace me, but get his own place in Sungmin's heart. His own special place. Probably more special than mine...

"Kyuuuuhyuuun~" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"What's wrong? Are you sick? I asked you what I should do?" I looked confused to him.

"I mean about Eunhyuk! Haven't you listened to me at all?" Eunhyuk...

"Ah sorry, I was thinking about something..."

"Ah... You're the worst Kyu..." He said sadly. I was surprised by his words "Wha-"

"Don't you also think Hyukkie'snice? and cute? And also handome~ You should meet him, Kyuhyun! I'll introduce you to him next time, okay?" He said excited. In a second he became his cheerful self again, so I decided to drop the question about what he meant. But if I do that, I'll have t hear his story about Eunhyuk once again... I really don't like that. But it's better than making Min sad. Since one of the things that I'm better at than Eunhyuk is that the moments he makes him cry, I'm the one who comfort him and make him happy again. If only he couldn't make you so happy the other moments... I'm always the one who's behind you,

"but it seems I still have to share you..." I smiled to myself while muttering the last words out loud. I suddenly couldn't hear Sungmin, it was a total silenc. I looked beside me and found a blushing Sungmin.

"Kyu~ Thank you, you're a good person~" I looked at him, still not getting it. "Huh?"

"K-Kyu, let's go to school,okay? I don't want you to miss many classes~" He grapped my hand once again and we walked together to school.

-*-*-Only msn part Normal POV. -*-*-

-That night-

PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny say:

Idiot... I hate you...


PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:

Kyu? *sobs*


PinkBunny says:



PinkBunny says:

Kyu... Do you hate me? You know I don't hate you right? I love you, I swear! Don't be like this. *sobs* *pouts*


PinkBunny says:

I was kidding about finding a new best friend, I mean it. You're the bestest of the best! I would never want anyone but you~

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Not even Eunhyuk?

PinkBunny says:

KYUUU~!! You're not mad anymore~ <.33>

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I don't believe you...

PinkBunny says:

Don't be mad at me again, pwease. *pout*

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Huh? Mad? Since when was I mad?

PinkBunny says:

You kept on ignoring me~!! You're so mean!

GameKyu [gaming] says:

Can't you read?! I was gaming, you kept on disturbing my game! If there is something else, tell me now. I want to play again...

PinkBunny says:

Sorry Kyu... I didn't meant to. About Eunhyuk~

GameKyu [gaming]:


PinkBunny says:

I came up with a plan! I should make him jealous! But... I need you help... Kyu~ Pweasee help me out.

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I guess I have no other choice. What do I need to do?

PinkBunny says:

I'll tell you tommorow~ Go play your game, and don't go to bed to late!

GameKyu [gaming] says:

I know already. See ya <.3

PinkBunny says:

See you tommorow~ Sleep well!! <.33

-end chapter one-

A/N: Again I'm soooooo sorry for not continuing my other fics. But I just can't get any inspiration to write it... I'm also sorry for the long Msn thing. I was bored and I wrote this, so that people can enjoy this while waiting for the other series~ && I won't stop writing anymore~ I'm so stupid for even thinking about it!! *hits own head* && I'm already 5 days sick, so I have enough time to write, if i'm in the mood for it.
I don't think I'll write much fluff the upcoming, since I'm reaaally upset.. Stupid friends, thanks too them I can't wrtie happy things ='( I just found out I don't have any friends left... I guess they didn't care much about me, 'cuz they replaced me in just one week for a new girl... So... Now I only have one friend left~ Yaayy~~[not] But let's look to the positive side, now I need many KyuMin fics, to coe over it~~ But I still got the problem with the guy I like, might eve love... So that means, a whole month Super Junior && Kdrama's to recover~~ [I'm a loner, suits me really well now... I should listen to it more often.] Waah what a long a/n :O I should stop now and watch Playful kiss <33>



Finding lost time: Chapter 1; I can finally see you.

Helloww~ I'm sorry for not uploading it again... So sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, And I'm sorry that I'm as well at making titles as much as I can remember to do things... Here it is~ Hope you'll enjoy it~~

Title: Finding lost time.
Part: 2/?
Chapter title: I can finally see you.
Mizuki, Kai, Aya, Sayuri.
Genre: romance, fluff,
Disclaimer: All the characters are mine~ <.33
Summary: Mizuki has trouble with going to school, but when she's finally there, she's happy that she came. Since he was there.

Chapter one:

'Mi-Chan~ Are you ready? You better hurry up or we’ll leave without you.'

'Nii-chan. Don’t worry, I’m almost done.'

'Wow, you’re so cute~ Where is the camera, aniki? I want a photo~'

'Yaay~ Photo, Photo. Nii-chan, you too~'

'let’s go already. We’re going to be late.'

'What do you mean. We’re not coming late, just a bit later.'



‘Wuss up, what what what wuss up, the times of waiting has ended, ay lady wuss up what what what wuss up wuss up, wu-’

"KJAAAAAH~ STUPID THING! SHUT UP WITH YOUR WUSS UP!" A tired and pissed girl screamed while throwing the alarm to the wall and fell asleep again.

‘Wuss up what what what wuss up, the times of waiting has ended,’ "Who do you think you are! WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME IT HAS ENDED!" Mizuki screamed again and walked to the alarm ‘ay lady wuss up what what what wuss up wuss up, wuss up, wuss up-’

"I still wanna sleep!~ Why can’t you just shut the hell up~" "It’s only 6 o’clock!! Why do you keep-" She said whining and fell asleep on the ground before she could finish her sentence.

Mizuki POV


Ah yeah, school…



I’ll wake up after 10 minutes…

*20 minutes later*

"Onee-chan!" a cute blonde girl said "What are you doing on the ground? You have to hurry. I don’t wanna be late again because of you and either does Sayuri" she said while walking to her sister "Mi-chan!"

"Kaori-chan, what are you doing here?" I said half sleeping. Why can’t people AND things just let me sleep… "What time is it?" I asked while looking at my little sister.

"It’s almost 8 o’clock! So hurry up" she said and walked away.

Ah... It's 8 o'clock... It’s just 8 o’clock, why is she so-…


I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I picked some clothes from the ground on the way. How can it be so late! I set the alarm right? Why didn’t that stupid thing go off! Jeez I have to hurry.

*10 minutes later*

I rushed the living room in and sat at the table "Why didn’t anyone…" I took a few bites of my breakfast. "whabe mwe upw" I said with my mouth full. They could at least wake me up when I forget to set my alarm...

"WHAT THE H-" Sayuri snapped and was starting to yell but mom interrupted her, "Honey, we already woke you up, Kaori and I did…" she said with a soft voice and a confused face. What is she saying… Now that I think about it…

"But let’s get hurry up to school before we get to late!" Kaori said and I walked to the door and put my shoes on just like the other two and walked out. "Byebye, Kaa-chan (omma)." Kaori and Sayuri said with a smile and Kaori walked the garden out while Sayuri was getting her bike.

"See ya." I took my bike and walked to Kaori. While I walked past her I sat on my bike and she jumped on the back while I was riding as we biked toward school.

*Few minutes later*

"I’m going off here!" Kaori said and jumped off the bike, "Byebye! I have club activity so I’m late today!" She yelled while waving.

"Ok ok, Do your best!" Sayuri yelled back with a smile.

*Near/At school*

Ah we’re finally at school. I mean, almost, but I already hear the girls scream… Why don’t they just shut up, it’s only morning~! How can they be so active already. I’m already amazed that I didn’t fall asleep on the road. I'm so tired... Ah, but doesn’t that mean that one of them are back... NOOOOOO~~! I wanna go back to home ;’(

"Hey Nee-chan, do you hear that." Sayuri said with a they- are-at-it-again face. "So school is going to be noisy again. But I hope he is back again…" She blushed slightly.

"Who wouldn't here that..."




"Aaah so it’s them after all" I smiled a small smile.

We put our bikes away and walked to the grand entrance. I looked at the trees, and I saw that the cherry blossoms finally bloomed. Later than usually.

"MIZUKI-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN" Everyone’s head turned to me and jealous gazes glanced at me. There it goes again.

A red-brown haired boy with brown eyes ran to me and hugged me tight. I gave a sly smile and pushed him away from me, even thought I didn't want to.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not hug me!" I shouted to him but of course not with that smile from before.

The boy sat down and looked at the ground while pouting. His pretty, cute eyes were teared up. He glanced at me with the cutest face I ever seen.

"But Mizuki…" The boy said with a sad yet cute voice, "I really missed you a lot while we were apart…"

Of course it was Sato Kai, Koishii prince’s Athletic prince, the only person who could make my heart skip a beat. Although he is pretty normal in front of the media, he’s exact the opposite in front of his friends. The other members see him as the baby in the group. No one would believe it if they said it in front of the media. He’s also my childhood friend. I guess. Since sometimes I wonder if I'm his friend or his babysitter or mommy…

I bent down and petted his head, "Hai, Hai, I missed you too, Kai-chan" I said with a cute smile and looked at him. He’s so cute. He blushed and gave a cute smile back. A smile that every fan would die for to see. Not only fans...

"Really?" He said with a soft voice and turned his head toward the ground again. but we got interrupted by a chestnut-browned boy.

"Hey, idiot, You can at least behave like a normal 16 years old guy would do at school" He said and pulled him up. He was Koishii Prince’s intelligent prince, Ninomiya Koiji. I never really spoke to him before, other than greeting each other or saying a few words.

"Ehh! Koiji, you ruined my long awaited reunion with my Mizuki-chan!~" Kai said but the guy just ignored him and turned toward me while bowing a bit with his head, "I’m sorry, he did it again…" he sighed while looking at Kai and then looked back to me.

I just gave a small smile. "I’m already used to it" he smiled back. He’s quite handsome, now that I look closely at him.

Normal POV

"Mi-Chan!" A beautiful blond girl with two tails yelled and waved to Mizuki. She was with Sayuri, who left just before Kai came. "Ahh, Good Morning Ninomiya-sempei" she said. "Good morning, " Sayuri said to him while blushing slightly.

"Good morning." he said while bowing his head a bit.

"Are you coming? We have to hurry for class! We’re going to be late. And your sister tried so hard to get you on time here."

"Hai Hai, Aya, I’m coming!’’ She told her best friend, "Aren’t you going to class, Kai?" Mizuki asked while they walked toward the girls and entered the school building.

"Yes I-" Koiji interrupted him.

"No we have a meeting first with the others" he said "But he will come later after that. We’re going to be late too. See you later, Mizuki-san, Ayame-san and Sakurai-san" He said formally and changed his current shoes, for his indoor shoes.

"Haha, I already told you to not be so formal~ Just call me Mizuki-chan already!" Mizuki said while putting on her shoes, just like Sayuri and Aya.

"Y-you, c-can call me S-s-s-sayuri"

"And call me A~ya~, let’s go already, we have to hurry!"

"Sorry, right, I’l call you girls like that from now on. See you later." He replied to them, "come Kai, we’re already late." he said, not waiting for his respond and pulled him toward the hallway on the left.

"But! But I want to go with Mizuki and Aya’’ he pouted, still being pulled away.

"Are you stupid!" he said to Kai, "Yuu is going to be mad at you if you don’t come!"

"Hai, Hai, I’m coming…"

"Don’t worry, first period is maths, and the talent classes are after lunch, so you don’t miss that much~" Aya yelled with a smile while walking straight forward and walked up the stairs.

‘Maths? I don’t want to go. And Kai isn’t coming either. It’s gonna be a really boring lesson. And we’re also going to change seats in homeroom class.’ Mizuki thought.

They were almost at the classroom as they heard the bell.

‘Diing Doong, Diing, Daang, Diing’

"O no, we should hurry up!" Aya said and grabbed Mizuki’s wrist and rushed past a few students.

Mizuki thought about Kai but was back to normal when she was grabbed by her wrist and pulled along the hallway. She bumped into some students and apologized, still being pulled to class.

‘I really missed him.’ Mizuki thought


Kai was walking toward the council room with Koiji. Koiji was talking to him, but he wasn't listening at all. He was only thinking about HIS Mizuki. He smiled to himself, every time he thought about the girl.

'I really missed her.' Kai thought. this time not smiling but now more with a sad face.

Mizuki POV

*In the classroom during English*

"-san… Sakurai-san."

Eh, I looked at the man in front of the class with a tired face. Fujiyama-sensei? Didn’t we have maths? What is the English teacher doing here? We have English after math right? Oh, maybe I was wrong... Or is this a dream...

"Sakurai-san, please pay attention in my class" sensei said with an angry face. He stood there with one arm in his hip and the other one pointing toward a random place.

"Sensei what are you doing here? Where is Okabe-sensei?" I asked confused. And the whole class began to giggle. What’s with them. Oh it's not a dream after all.

"What are you saying? English class is almost over." He said angrily. "How long where you planning to sleep?!" He said a little louder.

I just ignored him and looked in the class. Maybe it is a dream after all?

While I was wondering if it was a dream or not I looked at the door, since someone was knocking on it, but teacher didn't realize that since he was to angry at me.

"You! Don’t just igno-" sensei said but he was disturbed by two boys that came in the class.

So it wasn’t a dream. He really came back. WAIT?! Oh noo~! WHAT DID I JUST SAY TO THE TEACHER! I’m going to get in trouble again~. Deep, deep, deep inside me I was cring out loud as much as I could when I realized what just happened.

"Gomen ne, sensei." Kai said to the man with a creepy face. With creepy I mean, reeee~ally creepy. "We had a meeting first so we’re late" the boy said with a big smile.

"Don’t worry, please take your seat.’’ He said and Kai walked to his seat and waved at me.

I stared at him for a moment and just gave a small smile, since deep inside I was crying, waiting for the punishment. To be honest, I really wanted to hug him, 'cuz I'm scared of sensei... But if I do that... Teacher will kill me surely... and I'm too shy to do it...

"And you, Sakurai, come to the teacher room after classes. You better not sleep in my lesson anymore or you’re going to have a big problem. And don't forget to come to the teacher room after you’re finished with school again! Now Sakurai-san, please read the next sentence." Fujiyama -sensei said to me.

What the-, he even dropped the -san. He still dares to ask me to read out loud. That man really hates me to death. Damn, why can’t I ever pay attention in class. Not that I need it, I’m better than the average kids from my age. Gheghege, and teachers~

‘’Eeeto~’’ I muttered. "Where.. are we?" Jeez why does he have to ask me! He knew that I wasn’t paying attention and why are those idiots laughing me out!

I glared toward a couple of classmates that were laughing but they stopped right when they saw me.

"What did you say?" sensei asked me.

He’s doing it on purpose. Since he really hates me but since I hate him even more, I think I have nothing to complain, it's fair enough.

"I’m sorry, since I fell asleep in the middle of your lesson, I don’t really know where we are. Can you please repeat the last part again, teacher?" I asked him in English. What an idiot. I think he didn’t even know what I was saying. It’s written all over his face. I watched some drama’s with English subtitle so I learnt English pretty fast. And everyone knows that the teacher doesn't know more than what is written in the textbook. Maybe this lesson is becoming a little bit fun after all.

"Uhm… C-c-can y-y-ou" He muttered. At first his face became pale but now it’s turning red. He looks like a tomato. Hahaha.

"N-n-nakahara, please read from where w-"

‘Diing Doong, Diing, Daang, Diing’

Why was he saved by the bell… How boring. And and and… Why couldn’t that stupid thing just save me when I needed him the most! Ah but it doesn’t anymore. We finally have lunch. I’m so hungry.

Finding lost time: Chapter 1 (or not)

Hellowww~ Everyone~! <.33

I'm finally going to upload the first chapter, since i'm at school && I'm all along since nobody has school today... Of course I'm the only idiot (not really) who is at school right now. To be true I'm not the only one, the new kids are having a introduction day for next year, and unfortunaly, my little sister is one of them... So I had to wait *still waiting, but I'm gonna be okay. I'll be okay~ Baby without you (without you), Baby without you~ (without you)* for her to finish, since she has to help me with my books. I have to bring them all home, but there are to many of them.. Since I'm the only idiot who didn't do it a week ago... Ohh now that I think about it I don't have school anymore~ yaay~~I only have one more day to go~ I think wednesday? or something like that. YAAAAY~~!!
Oh I forgot that I was going to upload the first chapter right now... I keep on forgetting everything again and again and again and again~ *hahahahah I'm singing that song againxD* I don't listen to that song that often, but everytime that I say or see the word "again", I automaticly (?) think of that song xD I really can't help it, so sorry for my readers *cough*reader*cough*

Last week was so funny at school; We went to the amusement park, we had only 2 or 3 hours a day school~, and we didn't have to do anything else. there was also a school party, but I didn't go. Everyone else did go, but I wasn't in the mood for it. So now I didn't have said goodbye to my friends =( But that doesn't matter since I had fin with my little brother at home xD

Does anyone know the song "Stumble, Stumble"? It's so cutee~~!! I can't get it out of my head~ <.33 So I love it~ <.3 *imitates Hyukkie* After that song I really started to like D-NA. Especially Mika && Karam. && they're also a cute couple~

I love the part: -bomb, bomb, bomb- My heart burned like a bomb. -bang, bang, bang- The breakup's gun shot me bang.

&& Did you saw the first perfomance of "No other"? IT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME~!!! MINNIE && TEUKIE WERE SO HAPPY && KEPT ON LAUGHING~~!! That really made my day~ <.333 It was so cuteww~ && I totally love the dance~ I'mm happy that Kyunnie is alright now && that they're happy again. They didn't look well in the last "Bonamana" performance =(( But they''e okay, okay now ^^ I'mm loving it so much~ <.33

OHH NOOO~~!! I forgot to upload the first chapter!! I'll do it now, but I have to be fast since my sister is almost ready~! I'll put it in another post, so that it will be easier to read.

Byebyeee~ Saranghaeeeee~~ <.333 Super Junior Fitghtingg~ Even though they won't be complete for the coming 10 years!!!! Oh I forgot to talk about that!! Next time I will!!! I promise!!!


Past week...

Helloowww Everyone~ <.3 Nobody, I know... *only Haen. Helloo Haen~*

Yaaaaay~~ There is someone that reads my blog~ I'm so happy right now~ && it's also an awesome writer~ Congrats for being the first && the last person that'll visit my blog~! I'm so happy right now~ I never thought that this day would come ^^ I'm really proud of myself~ xD

Then here is another boring story about... My life currently~
Even thought i'm not supposed to be on the computer, and even thought I have to learn right now (stupid exam week), I'm still here, writing a story, for nothing... I'm really bored and biology is getting to much for me. I also have to learn for dutch since I'm really bad at it. *I know i'm dutch still...* && it's also a reading abilities test, so the thoughts of that test is even getting worse... I can't even remember when the last time was, that I got an good mark for it... Because I'm so stupid and such a fool~

The past tests didn't go that good to be true... Monday I had a test of Nature & Chemistry... I thought that is went really well but... No-no-no-no-nobody knows~ *sorry~ sorry~ sorry~ I have no idea why that came in my head* Wowwwww~ That reminds me of C.N. to the Blue~ To the sky hight get 'em hight~ Yeah we're ready to go~ I really like Lee Jonghyun from CNBLUE *also the one from ShInee~ He's so funny xD* I love his new look~ Most of the people I know, think that yonghwa is the cutest &handsomenest *sorry always make weird words... I got my own language here xD Just one person understands it xD* *Oh I'm talking to myself again && again && again && again~* Back to this part of the story...But I think that Jonghyun is the cutest~ && I love his voice in "Love light" && the translation is soo cute~ I think that Yonghwa wrote is for... for... for... Who cares... She is his wife in We got married... && NO SHE ISN'T CAPABLE FOR KYUHYUN FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT~~~~ THEY DON'T SUIT EACH OTHER AT ALLL~~~!!!!!! *I'm sorry but I read on youtube that people really think they suit each other..* Kyuhyun already belongs to Sungmin~~ :PP So keep on dreaming you guys...
KYUMIN WORE THE SAME NECKLACE IN THE LAST BONAMANA PERFORMANCE~ (when Kyu made his comeback) Ghegheghe && Sungmin felt much much better && was way happier than before Kyu came back~ Doesn't that mean soemthing~??
I'm so happy and hyper right now~ I'm now at school and just found out that I have some good grades for the tests I made~ I have 65 for MATHS~!! Can you believe it?? I didn't understand it at all but I still managed to get such a high grade~!! *for me that's a high grade* I have to make another test in a hour and a half. I have to learn for it but, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e~ I also have an high score for Spanish && English~
I really like the song "I don't care" by 2NE1 recently xD I always use it when people bother me~ Like my sis. She's such a dramaqueen. She kept on nagging me a whole hour and I kept singing, while I was on the computer, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e, I don't care-e-e-e-e-e~ It was really funny since she got pissed and went to her room and I could watch my Super Junior again~
Ohhh I have a really good 'excuse' when you just cleaned a little bit of your room xD I had to clean up my room since a couple of weeks ago *I never do it...* After weeks, I finally began to clean my room ^^ Not really... I mean I started to clean my desk... After that, I was sick of it and stopped cleaning up and went to watch videos on youtube, read, went downstairs. When I was in my room and my mom came in, she was really angry to see my room, still not cleaned up. I went to her and pointed at my desk and said "Always look the the bright/positive side" And she began to laugh and let me off with it. So now I still haven't clean the other parts of my room ^^
It's reaaaa~lly boring here~ I'm not allowed to watch videos here... Hahahah there a two boys in front of me, and they're acting like little kids xD They're really doing stupid.... And they're like 15/16 years old xD They're trowing with paper to each other... ahhahahaha it reminds me of my class. It's really a zoo in some classes. They always bully the teacher and do whatever they want. How pathetic. They're really to much!! If you're send out the class you have to get a paper or something and fill it in and let you parents sign it. My class has the most of all the 2nd years... We are over the 100 now... That's really bad... You can have 3 papers a year. 1/3 doesn't have any... So 20 people got some xDD That is really bad. 100:20 is.... is... 5?? I guess xDD Woowwwww~ Our class is really Unbeliebabel. Sorry to bore you *nobody... Maybe Haen sometimes?* Haen~ I've got nobody, nobody but you~ *clap clap* I've got nobody nobody but you~ How can itbe another?I don't have any other, I've got nobody, nobody, nobody, nobosy~
Aisshh~ I really got nothing to say... How boring... Ohh I'm going to upload the first chapter of my story soon~ (this week) I'm tired~ I couldn't sleep at all last night~ I slept like, 2 or 3 hours~ I want to read 'Destinados' but I don't have much time anymore till the test~! ohh... I still got an hour... I guess I can read it then~ DESTINADOS IS SUPER SUPER CUTEWW~!! STUPID KYUMI~~!! At least KyuMin is together again... And everything went good in hospital~ Is till don't get the fight between Sungmin and his parents... I got to ask Haen about it ^^ I shouldn't forget it... Because usely Everything will be blank to me~
I think I'm really going to go now... Then I can learn more... Read Destinados =DDD && Go find the right classroom... Tht's going to be hard... Since I'm the only one of my class that has to take the test today.. Poor me...
Don't say goodbye~ Cuz you were my everything~ to me~ Wooow haven't heard that song a while xDD I guess you want me to say goodbye.. It's understandible (does that exist?) I'm going to find out where i have the test... Ohh I have to search a teacher also~ Btw I'm going to Spain for 5 weeks this vacation~ Without my sisters && mom && brothers~~ I'm so happy about it XD 5 WEEKS WITHOUT A DRAMAQUEEN AND AN IRRITATING LIL SIS~!!!! But now...Ohtell me goodbye, tell me goodbye, seem to be letting go~ Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye~
Yeaaahh~ Bye bye my love~ Lalalalalala... Lalalalalala~ (I have no idea what the lyrics is at thos parts)


Finding lost time~; Chapter 0: intro

Chapter zero: A dream of a forgotten past.






‘O... Okaa-chan…’


Mizuki POV

‘’KAAA-CHAAAAN!’’ I screamed without realizing it.

- … -

Yu-… mee… It was just another dream… Why are tears overflowing on my face…

This is really freaking me out. I wiped my tears and thought about the dream. I already had this dream so many times… Somehow it keeps repeating every night and yet I still couldn’t see anyone’s face nor their bodies… Ah I forgot to turn my radio off.

I walked to the radio but stopped when I heard the lyrics of the song that was playing right now.

‘You wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t remember who I am. Long time spend together and happiness, Everything will be blank to you.’

And after that my head went blank for a few minutes. When I was back to normal, I realized I was crying just like when I woke up. Then I saw a woman standing before me. At first I didn’t know who it was but then I realized it was my mom and turned my head away so she wouldn’t see my crying face.

‘’What happened? You were calling me.‘’ she asked me.

Why did I call her? But I didn’t? Right?

‘’I wasn’t calling for you… Who said that I have to call you if I say okaa-san.’’ I said pissed.

‘’You were screaming you idiot. And you woke your sisters up, what is it?’’ She said ‘’And why are you crying?’’ she asked worried and rushed to me in an instant.

‘’ I’m not…’’

‘’ You are! ’’

‘’I-It’s nothing!… I-I just… hurt myself when I wanted to go to the bathroom a-and called out your n-name by accident!’’ I stuttered half screaming. Did she believed it?

‘’Aah’’ she whispered, ‘’Are you okay?’’ she said a little louder with a sad face while she was wiping away my tears.

I know she didn’t believe it. I really hurt her. Why did I so pissed to her?

‘’Yes I’m fine. It only hurt for a few minutes. So you don’t have to worry and I’m sorry I woke my sisters up. Next time I’ll watch out what I do so that I won’t have to wake them up.’’ I said with a soft voice and smiled a small smile to her.

Then she smiled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked to the door opening. ‘’You better go back to sleep again. You have school tomorrow. Sleep well.’’ She said with a smile and walked away.

‘’Sleep well.’’ I whispered but loud enough for her to hear me. She turned to my side, smiled and went back to her room.

I walked toward my radio to put another song on and walked to my bed.

‘’Troughout all this time, remembering the moments I saw of you. The memories in those times past, all those memories without names. And in all those times I spent together with you. I was always alone…’’

“all those memories without names…”

While , I looked straight forward to the plafond, while listening to the lyrics.


I suddenly shocked and sat down. I looked at the radio.


No it can’t, my real mother hates me. She even gave me away because she didn’t want me. She would never cry like that for me… She didn’t even cry when I had that accident. And those guys… Who are they?

‘’love.. and memories now are memories with no mention of us…’’


The end of the intro of my story, Finding lost time. Hope you liked it~ *nobody again*


Super Junior wins award && My "KyuMin = real" prove~

Helllooooo everyone~

I just watched yesterdays performance of Suju's Bonamana && The part where they won again ^^ Unfortunally Kyuhyun was at the hospital for a surgery ='( And cuz' of that, Sungmin was unhappy the whole time~~~~ (I'm not happy about the fact that he was sad but that he was sad about Kyunnie~) Singing didn't go well either& during dancing he also didn't look well , esp. when he had to sing Kyunnie's part~ I already thought that it was because Kyunnie wasn't there and later I read that it really was because of Kyuhyun <>
Love how the other members kept calling his name~~ They really care about Kyunnie, just like Minnie~ Love the way how Super Junior care about each other~~ I wish I had such a good bond with friends~~ KyuHyun Figthinggg~~ Super Junior Hwaiting~~ KyuMinnn~~~ Fitghinggg~~

I was so happy when I saw todays performance since Miniee was feeling much much better *looked better* , so I hope that that means that Kyunnie is also doing well ^^
I heard that Kyunnie will perform again after some days of rest~~ Don't work to soon~~ You should think about your health~


My own made story: Finding lost time~

Helloo~ I'm gonna upload a story that I made a while ago ^^ I hope everyone (nobody...) will like it, if not... Then don't~! Here is a short thing thing (don't know how you call it) Ohh! I mmean a summary (I think) :O I'll upload the intro after this too. The intro is really short but the chapters are gonna be long, so don't worry ^^ && don't expect to much of it~~~!! (not that there is anyone who's gonna read it....)

Here it comesss~

A story about the 15 years old, Mizuki, who is a middle school girl in a special talent school, Seirin, Middle and high school. She was abandoned by her mother and is a orphan at the Miyake family. Were she lives a wonderful life. Together with one of most popular boy and the prettiest girl at school, Aya and Kai, as her best friends, she lives a peaceful life, till a sudden dream that changed her whole life.

I told you not to expect that much ^^ So that was my summary . The intro will be much better, i hope, so please continue to read it... please..., My story will be include kpop songs and also parts of programs of singers ^^ Most of it are; DBSK, Super Junior, SS501 && FT Island~


First Post~

Helloo~ Everyone~ (nobody, I know >.> Just wanna write since I'm bored... )

Welcome to my amazing, yet boring blog. Not only the blog is (still) boring but the writer is also ^^ I just found out that I don't just talk to myself in real life but also on the internet. (^see the prove her above^) (Eyy that rhymes) I'm alone at home usually so I will be writing alot here, starting with... Being sick...

I'm sick again, so I couldn't go to school, so I was bored at home. Until I found an amazing Parody of Super Junior and laughed so much that I felt much better ^^ They're so cutewww by the way. But back to the storyy~ After watching some parodies, laughing as much as I could and falling more and more in love with EunHae

And there I was sitting... On the couch (?)..., Just like how I was before... Before she took my happiness away... And the best medicine in the world..., Being sick... And watching a boring program that has been repeated many, many, many times already in one week... or one months... Who cares, my conclusion is... It's been repeated many times! To many, to count!

You know, dutch people are really stupid~ Why can't they just think about a new program? Or at least air the awesome programs from Asia~! Then people will at least watch TV more. And I wouldn't mind being sick, and not being allowed to computer.

I don't get the soaps here neither. Why can't they just make different soaps, and not a everlasting ones where everyone already dated all the characters, where most of the people already died but suddenly are alive, or where a 40 old women dates her own sons brother! How stupid is that. JUST MAKE DIFFERENT SERIES SO THAT IT WON't BE A SOAP WITHOUT A STORYY!! Awhile ago it was all over the news that a soap aired there 4000TH EPISODE! What kind of bullshit is that!

Now I'll talk about my favorite place... My happiness... My computer life~!
To everyone who hasn't seen parodies yet, it's tooo AWESOME!~
I just watched a super cuteww one ^^ It made me all happy inside~

KyuMin Foreverrr~!

So now I will say goodbye~ ~ And Always keeep the faith to Super Junior && Dbsk~!

I will write about more interesting things than tv soaps next time, so pleaseee don't stop reading my blog just because of that thing~~~~~!!! I beg You!~~

And I'm talking to myself again *singing*~and again and again and again I fall for your words again~ I don't know why~ I don't know whyy~ *still singing about myself* Why am I being such a fool~ *also toward myself...* Why did I become like this~ *my mom also keeps asking that question Again && again & again & again* I think I've gone crazy~ Have I no pri~de~?? *totally forgot...*

Aishh... I've done it again~ To be true, I'm like this in real live to... If i hear a word from a song I'm suddenly completely in the song and I begin to sing... I should really stop with that... I mostly sing Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry~ I so love that song XD I even won a competition with it at school ^^ Not a talent show, not at all xDD then I wouldn't even have a change to sing a full sentence xD It was a volleyball? Oh no, a basketball competition? Not important, it was a competition~ I sang(&danced how SM did in the MV) toward the opponent If you're going to be jealous of me, then you're going to losee~ && Sorry, sorry sorry, sorry etc~., they got distracted Again & Again & agai- *okay that song is getting annoying...*

So my 2nd conclusion is that my team won at least 2 games (out of many, many,many more, that we *cough*of course *cough* lost) because of the awesome song "Sorry, sorry", we didn't place last but 9th (out of 11, i think) and
I was happy since I could dance, sing, win something &&& didn't need to go to the lesson, since it was a school tournament thing ^^

Ohh, I just realized that I already said Goodbye a long long time ago... So I posted another boring memory... But next time I'll post my self-made-story for sure so keep reading my blogs.


A short "about me" + my blog:

My photo
I'm a high schooler who is more in the dream world than in the reality. I'm quite talkative if it's about Asians but if it's about other stuff i'm mostly quiet so please com and talk to me if you're Asian-obsessed like me ^^ I'm writing a story that I'll be uploading here, I write about life when I'm sad, since I don't have real friends to talk about it. And even if I know, nobody will read it, I'll just write it for my own good. I'm going to post translations on my blog of my favorite songs and other stuff ^^